Rugby - the basics
Rugby indeed is the kiwi answer to cross country skiing. Everybody down under are more or less crazy about the sport. Of course, rugby matches are best seen at a pub accompanied by a beer or two. The last three saturday nights we've been watching this appearantly violent sport, "enjoying well-fit men in tight t-shirts roar and realise all of their macho potential" (Quoting Mari). Christian enjoying a beer and a beer
"All Blacks" is the name of the NZ national team. The big star is Daniel Carter, or "Dan" as the fans and press call him.
Daniel Carter has earned his nickname: He's tall, dark, good at sports, drives his pretty girlfriend around in a fancy car and even has his ovn bloody video game. Could he be any more "Dan"?
Anyways, if you are to watch rugby in an NZ pub and concerve a certain amount of street cred, you need to know a few expressions related to the sport. I've tried to work out some of them for you below.
- Try: Analogue to a touchdown. Incurs when someone manages to get the ball all the way to the opposite side, dive onto the grass and then get up and roar. If the referee thinks you are man enough, your team get a few points.
- Sin bin: Where you have to stay for 10 minutes if you do something that is against the rules and qualify for a yellow card, e.g. kill a player on the opponents team (and his entire family).
- Blood bin: Where they sew you up before you get back into the game. The most common item used is the ice spray - it fixes everything from broken bones to broken hearts.
- Scrum: When everybody gathers to fight for the ball.
- Tackle: Anything that doesn't kill a man.
Three men kicking the fourth ones ass. A typical rugby moment.
I gotta admit that I am a bit fascinated by this sport, though. Perhaps I should try it some day and get doormat-ears like the star players; you won't have a hard time picking out who has played rugby on a high level if you consider the kiwi male population. It is quite common that their ears take on spectacular shapes as a result of many hours with soccer shoes rubbing against them. This occurs when you are lying on the grassfield with the ball underneath you and 29 other men are trying to get hold of it. Some ears look so nasty that you would need to glue on your reading glasses! Nah, I think cricket suits me better. There I get to wear a white shirt. As and indoker, that sounds appealing.